Every now and then certain Doujin circles collect some of their works in Trade Paperbacks and offer them in great prices. These Collections more often than not come with extra chapters or art.
3-A Soushuuhen vol.1 by
Gambler Club collected
3-A 2 and
Eva-nyan Goranshin 1 (the last one
Translated by your friendly neighbourhood Translations Team), and included this extra chapter called "
3-A 1.5", which deals with Negi's "accepteance" of banging her students.
And now, some comments from our Team's Cleaner and this doujin Scanner Neko Arcueid Brunestud:
Let me make sure this is clear to everyone; we have a raw of the collectted volume 3-A-1.5 came from, but it was put together out of the raws for all the individual releases. We scanned and inserted pages that were changed, then included the pages that were 'removed' at the end of the volume as extras.
Now; for anyone who is interested in looking at a 'raw' of the full collected volume, it is here.
We're sorry it is a weird file name, (for anyone interested, it's, 'Three A Collection' in the Czech language,) but it was given that name long before the recent, excessively complex (in my opinion) file naming 'rules' came into effect, and I don't intend to change it.
We hope you enjoy the read.
Filesonic Link
ex-hentai Gallery